viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Estimating, estimating team!

Estimations, estimations. When dealing with business folks, one of the most important things they often ask is, how long do you think it's gonna take you. But anything you say (excepting for things you have done over and over again and thus are not new!) will be a complete guess.

But its something you need to learn how to do, and the best way to do so, is not using formulas, is not creating a spreadsheet, is talking with your team.

For us independent developers, this is a must, we can't expect that a producer will have our schedules set up for us so we just fill the blanks, we must be able to self manage, we must be able to know our own abilities and limitations so we can, AS A TEAM, have realistic ideas of when we can get things done.

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